If you live in the Northeast, you most likely intend to spend your Easter weekend outside, drying out from the record rain we've seen over the last month. Want to tackle the yard? Here are some do's and don'ts for getting your yard in shape from The GroundsKeeper:
- Don't do any yard work if your lawn is soggy or saturated; let it dry out. If you start too soon, you run the risk of doing more damage than good.
- Do take pictures of any areas in your yard where you had standing water (or still have it). Now is the time to plan drainage construction projects to help prevent these issues in the future, and pictures will help your contractor.
Do clean the winter and fall debris from your lawn and beds.
- Do rake your lawn - if you clean up piles on your lawn, you'll prevent yellow spots from forming.
- Do clean out any organic materials from around the new shoots on perennials.
- Do plant pansies! Add a little color to your yard with these great spring flowers.
- Don't put grass seed down on any bare spots on your lawn. The ground temperature hasn't warmed up enough for the seed to germinate.
Whether or not you decide to start any yard projects this weekend, make sure you get out and enjoy the sunshine! If you'd like to schedule a spring clean-up or would like a free estimate on any of our lawn services, call us at 508-881-4136, send us an email at info@groundsinc.com, or visit our website at http://www.groundsinc.com/. Happy Spring!
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